英语备课素材上千 动漫课件,百度网盘

英语备课素材上千 动漫课件,百度网盘

课程名称:英语:英语备课素材上千 动漫课件





英语备课素材上千  动漫课件,百度网盘

英语备课素材上千  动漫课件,百度网盘


1、动画课件ppt 60个 [246.12M]

2个游戏.pptx [3.09M]

5秒倒计时(带音效).pptx [1.24M]

animals.pptx [14.18M]

be-more-expressive-activities-promoting-classroom-dynamics-group-form_93407.pptx [3.75M]

catch-the-insects(practice).ppt [2.35M]

clothes(game).pptx [5.83M]

colors-iceceam(practice).ppt [987.00K]

conditionals(grammar).pptx [6.00M]

cooking-verbs(words).ppt [998.50K]

countable-and-uncountable-nouns.pptx [300.51K]

daily-routines ppt课件.pptx [2.07M]

family member&rooms(practice).pptx [1.69M]

family.pptx [2.07M]

farm-animals(words).ppt [1.13M]

fast-food(词汇有声).pptx [5.50M]

fast-food-wheels转盘.pptx [2.58M]

feelings-and-emotions.ppt [3.26M]

feelings-wheel转盘.pptx [3.60M]

food-and-drinks(words).pptx [8.80M]

foods-around-the-world.pptx [422.21K]

fruit ninja.pptx [1.71M]

fruit-vegetables-food-drinks(words&practice).pptx [1.36M]

furniture.pptx [6.84M]

future-going-to-(grammar).ppt [1.85M]

golden eyes.pptx [166.29K]

guess-who-(description).pptx [4.21M]

hangman.pptx [307.84K]

help-the-chef.pptx [3.64M]

how-many-are-there-food(game).pptx [2.00M]

how-much-vs-how-many(practice).pptx [3.10M]

in-the-bedroom听力 .pptx [1.59M]

jobs-and-professions-(words&practice).pptx [3.96M]

letter a.pptx [549.19K]

monsters body parts(practice).pptx [5.96M]

must&mustn't(practice).pptx [3.50M]

my schoolbag.pptx [18.10M]

opposite words.pptx [1.29M]

past tense game.ppt [0.99M]

peppa's dream job.pptx [3.09M]

present-perfect-vs-past-simple-basketball-(practice).pptx [978.72K]

rocket game.pptx [1.01M]

running man.pptx [339.13K]

sea-animals(words).ppt [777.50K]

seesaw.pptx [1.02M]

shopping-list-food(pracice).ppt [6.07M]

summer_vacation.ppt [4.13M]

superheroes(description).ppt [3.22M]

supermarket.pptx [7.72M]

super玛丽万能教学游戏.pptx [8.79M]

the car race.pptx [42.68M]

the-color(words).pptx [66.98K]

the-past-continuous(grammar).ppt [4.87M]

time preposition-in on at(practice).pptx [3.44M]

weather.ppt [459.00K]

what-is-mr-bean-going-to-do-(description).pptx [10.14M]

wheres-the-bee-body-parts-games.pptx [1.54M]

who is missing课件.pptx [9.44M]

wild-animals-(practice).ppt [1.36M]

zoo-animals(practice).pptx [3.48M]

动物图片单词(words).ppt [702.50K]

10、抖音优秀游戏课件 80个 [277.33M]

1-10ppt [17.75M]

001:我说你做热身游戏.pptx [997.71K]

002:鱼吐泡泡.pptx [270.56K]

004:打地鼠.pptx [814.88K]

005:切西瓜.pptx [1.20M]

006:植物大战僵尸bgm.mp3 [1.79M]

006:植物大战僵尸课件.pptx [3.47M]

007:苹果树上掉单词.pptx [1.63M]

008:投篮ppt.pptx [1.93M]

009:汽车bgm.mp3 [1.42M]

009:停车.pptx [4.08M]

011:快速反应识别单词.pptx [194.64K]

11-20ppt [51.21M]

014:砸金蛋(苏苏制作).pptx [2.14M]

015:一起来切甜甜圈(苏苏制作).pptx [4.50M]

017:矿工(苏苏制作).pptx [2.94M]

018:苏苏的快闪自我介绍.pptx [13.95M]

019:大闸蟹(苏苏制作).pptx [2.65M]

020:英雄抽奖(苏苏制作).pptx [25.02M]

21-30ppt [72.86M]

021:变色(苏苏制作).pptx [649.20K]

022:聚光灯介绍人物(苏苏制作).pptx [190.54K]

023:转盘转,指针不转(苏苏制作).pptx [17.09M]

024:指针转,转盘不转(苏苏制作).pptx [2.29M]

025:转盘进阶版-带触发器(苏苏制作).pptx [11.19M]

026:running man(苏苏制作).pptx [13.93M]

027:读单词炸弹游戏(苏苏制作).pptx [101.49K]

028:星空飞图(苏苏制作).pptx [14.32M]

029:后羿射日(苏苏制作).pptx [9.80M]

030:浪漫烟花(苏苏制作).pptx [3.32M]

31-40ppt [34.56M]

031:刮刮卡抽奖(苏苏制作).pptx [557.69K]

032:随机点名(苏苏制作).pptx [354.20K]

033:吃货ppt(苏苏制作).pptx [14.65M]

034:向日葵(苏苏制作).pptx [3.06M]

036:保卫萝卜(屁桃制作).pptx [1.47M]

037:保卫萝卜2.0(屁桃制作).pptx [7.12M]

038:ppt连线题(苏苏制作).pptx [276.58K]

039:新概念there be 操练游戏(苏苏制作).pptx [272.80K]

040:葫芦娃(mia秀秀老师制作).pptx [6.83M]

41-50ppt [24.14M]

041:哆啦a梦口袋(屁桃制作).pptx [794.35K]

042:游泳(winnie老师制作).pptx [573.03K]

043:贪吃蛇(mia秀秀老师制作).pptx [7.21M]

044:扭蛋(刘老师制作).pptx [3.47M]

046:萝卜蹲热身游戏(苏苏制作).pptx [394.24K]

047:电视机is this your句型操练(苏苏制作).pptx [3.98M]

50:轮播图模板(苏苏制作).pptx [7.76M]

51-60ppt [29.18M]

52键盘字母.pptx [454.52K]

53服装.pptx [2.58M]

54.pptx [9.44M]

55.pptx [4.54M]

56.pptx [967.80K]

57.pptx [1.65M]

58.pptx [981.79K]

59.pptx [7.76M]

60.ppt [889.00K]

61-70ppt [6.09M]

63:彩蛋破裂(苏苏制作).pptx [3.54M]

64:音标拼读(rita老师制作).pptx [597.80K]

69:海绵宝宝z抓水母(屁桃制作).pptx [1.97M]

71-80ppt [41.55M]

71:pk加减分(苏苏制作).pptx [4.22M]

72:动感汽车(sally制作).pptx [3.99M]

73:鳄鱼玩具(尚老师制作).pptx [682.25K]

74:王者荣耀分组系统(付老师制作).pptx [6.86M]

75:蜘蛛侠(屁桃制作).pptx [2.02M]

76:动物点读机.pptx [13.08M]

77:懒人版浏览图片.pptx [3.51M]

78:游乐园(尚老师制作).pptx [2.33M]

79:旋转的地球(苏苏制作).pptx [2.07M]

80:修正带(苏苏制作).pptx [2.82M]

11、少儿小学初中英语课堂游戏大全 破冰教学教案资料 [2.82G]

00.幼儿英语课堂游戏 [251.78K]

幼儿英语课堂游戏 [82.56K]

30个幼儿园英语课堂经典游戏 - .pdf [59.56K]

幼儿英语游戏 - .doc [23.00K]

00.幼儿英语课堂游戏.rar [169.22K]

01.少儿英语课堂游戏.rar [4.77M]

02.小学英语课堂游戏.rar [988.97K]

03.初中英语课堂游戏.rar [3.36M]

04.英语课堂互动游戏.rar [6.37M]

05.英语游戏大全课件ppt.rar [164.02M]

06.英语游戏教学课动画.rar [94.84M]

07.英语游戏教学课视频.rar [1.24G]

08.语文课堂游戏设计200+.rar [23.03M]

09.其他英语课堂游戏.rar [139.46K]

10.287个英语课堂游戏设计.rar [2.37M]

11.更新.rar [1.29G]

2、动画课件ppt 63个 [346.92M]

爱心早餐.pptx [4.98M]

棒球.pptx [325.11K]

比较级反义词.pptx [2.55M]

冰淇淋颜色练习.ppt [987.00K]

冰雪奇缘tv.pptx [4.33M]

猜工作练习适合六年级学生.pptx [4.69M]

彩虹操练形容词比较级.pptx [2.99M]

场景切换.pptx [4.11M]

超级玛丽大闯关 .pptx [5.48M]

超链接 一般现在时.pptx [1.15M]

抽红包.pptx [335.38K]

抽奖.ppt [336.50K]

触发器滑动变词.pptx [462.75K]

吹泡泡.pptx [406.14K]

吹泡泡效果.pptx [22.73M]

吹气球 .pptx [1.22M]

打地鼠.pptx [836.56K]

打字机.ppt [112.86M]

打字机.pptx [104.73K]

大食王.ppt [6.27M]

弹跳.pptx [2.14M]

倒计时2.pptx [456.92K]

点餐.pptx [26.88M]

电灯开关效果.pptx [753.67K]

电脑打印一体机.pptx [1.29M]

电视机.pptx [1.23M]

电影展示效果.pptx [2.53M]

钓鱼游戏.pptx [3.32M]

动物猜猜猜.pptx [9.44M]

动物点读机.ppt [747.50K]

动物剪影+灯光.pptx [943.24K]

动物字母教学超可爱.pptx [2.91M]

对话框掉落效果.pptx [357.76K]

多地点转移 .pptx [5.15M]

多图轮播介绍平滑.pptx [1.40M]

朵拉练习动物 超cute.pptx [3.98M]

躲猫猫.pptx [810.09K]

翻牌游戏.pptx [2.64M]

方位介词超可爱教学.ppt [2.63M]

方向操练.pptx [4.58M]

放大镜.pptx [365.10K]

放风筝.pptx [4.41M]

飞机穿破云层.pptx [1.21M]

愤怒的小鸟(单词).pptx [1.28M]

风筝飞.pptx [332.21K]

疯狂的狗妈妈.pptx [9.56M]

个性签名.pptx [1.00M]

狗吃骨头猫吃鱼.pptx [3.03M]

刮一刮 6个.pptx [121.70K]

过独木桥.pptx [1.06M]

海底世界.pptx [15.70M]

黑板擦效果.pptx [1.78M]

互动答题 .pptx [16.51M]

火车(操练句型)(2).pptx [849.55K]

积分榜.pptx [987.68K]

计时器.pptx [80.55K]

记忆游戏.pptx [7.85M]

家庭成员和房间名称.pptx [1.69M]

煎鸡蛋.pptx [1.96M]

煎鸡蛋升级版.pptx [2.78M]

奖惩.ppt [168.00K]

交通工具 .pptx [19.56M]

交通工具平滑 - 副本.pptx [3.55M]

3、动画课件ppt 93个 [401.08M]

ppt触发器模版(12个游戏模板).ppt [6.32M]

浇花草.pptx [882.96K]

介词.pptx [7.57M]

镜面游戏.pptx [3.84M]

卷轴效果.pptx [320.73K]

开心翻翻乐.pptx [4.91M]

快闪2.pptx [1.62M]

篮球pk赛.pptx [23.76M]

脸谱与情绪.pptx [4.26M]

流动的时钟.pptx [1.04M]

猫和老鼠.pptx [2.40M]

门后出蔬菜.pptx [9.09M]

面试.pptx [3.71M]

魔法水杯.pptx [924.33K]

抹布效果.pptx [3.11M]

扭蛋机(操连单词).ppt [4.81M]

拍苍蝇(操练单词).ppt [2.28M]

炮弹颜色.pptx [14.90M]

漂流瓶.pptx [20.09M]

平滑切换框.pptx [367.76K]

苹果树.ppt [1.74M]

苹果树.pptx [1.60M]

汽车过桥.pptx [941.08K]

潜水艇2.0.pptx [9.56M]

抢红包(奖励).ppt [10.12M]

抢红包.ppt [10.12M]

跷跷板.pptx [6.91M]

青蛙跳(操练单词).pptx [98.79K]

情绪词教学.pptx [1.45M]

情绪选择题超精美ppt.ppt [1.62M]

热身-猜词游戏.pptx [1.54M]

任意门(1).pptx [7.42M]

扔雪球游戏.ppt [2.72M]

若干ppt触发器模版.ppt [6.32M]

时间in on at介词句型盖章.pptx [3.44M]

时间操练.pptx [6.47M]

手电筒.ppt [536.50K]

手电筒1.ppt [536.50K]

手机滑屏 .pptx [1.80M]

薯条大作战be动词.pptx [4.14M]

水果忍者.pptx [640.27K]

四季.pptx [7.72M]

塔罗牌.pptx [625.90K]

太空飞船效果.pptx [3.91M]

套圈圈.pptx [14.05M]

踢足球效果.pptx [4.36M]

天气.ppt [459.00K]

天气.pptx [10.59M]

投篮.pptx [1.93M]

图片遮光罩游戏.pptx [143.95K]

挖宝大冒险触发.pptx [4.27M]

娃娃机,聚光灯.pptx [4.59M]

微粒体相框.pptx [1.19M]

帷幕拉开+翻书 office.pptx [217.87K]

乌鸦喝水.pptx [1.26M]

现在进行时教学之超级马里奥.pptx [12.90M]

消失的字母.ppt [122.00K]

小丸子family .pptx [1.30M]

小鸭子学游泳.pptx [1.75M]

新潜水艇.pptx [1.64M]

信封ppt.pptx [166.87K]

信封打开.pptx [2.12M]

星空.pptx [3.34M]

形状教学之愤怒的小鸟.ppt [2.61M]

旋转的地球.pptx [1.41M]

漩涡.pptx [3.07M]

雪屋.pptx [16.92M]

颜色课件.pptx [699.67K]

野生动物.ppt [1.84M]

一般过去式动词变化2.ppt [4.70M]

一般过去式规则动词变化.ppt [1.74M]

一般过去式教学.ppt [716.50K]

一般过去式练习.ppt [0.99M]

疑问词转盘练习.pptx [2.70M]

樱花盛开效果.pptx [2.81M]

羽毛书写.pptx [12.24M]

运动.ppt [2.57M]

运动会-400米短跑.pptx [7.82M]

砸金蛋.pptx [19.70M]

砸落动画.pptx [939.12K]

炸弹.ppt [3.07M]

摘苹果.pptx [3.11M]

找不同.pptx [1.36M]

照相机.ppt [3.76M]

照相机.pptx [728.93K]

直升机.pptx [9.67M]

职业.pptx [1.00M]

中奖券.pptx [381.87K]

煮饺子连词成句.pptx [1.80M]

抓蝴蝶.pptx [7.76M]

抓娃娃.pptx [6.34M]

转盘.pptx [325.65K]

转盘游戏.pptx [427.72K]

桌球练习numbers.ppt [1.38M]

自然拼读(1).ppt [1.52M]

自然拼读.ppt [680.50K]

4、 290集 儿童科普英文动画aumsum time 数物科物化 的知识点 [3.92G]

01 aumsum time-biology生物 (60集) [1.00G]

are dolphins smart.mp4 [26.31M]

are preservatives bad for you.mp4 [20.29M]

are wisdom teeth still useful.mp4 [14.99M]

are you afraid of heights.mp4 [20.93M]

babies or adults, who has more bones.mp4 [9.53M]

can pure oxygen kill you.mp4 [4.88M]

can you _hear colors_ or _see sounds.mp4 [20.99M]

common name of table sugar.mp4 [17.51M]

do animals live longer than humans.mp4 [21.92M]

how are smartphones changing us.mp4 [16.11M]

how do animals hibernate.mp4 [18.98M]

how do fish breathe underwater.mp4 [5.00M]

how do migratory birds find their way.mp4 [4.42M]

how do we know that our stomach is full.mp4 [21.14M]

how does anesthesia work.mp4 [17.67M]

how does the moon cause tides.mp4 [17.55M]

how tall can we grow.mp4 [18.05M]

how tattoo removal works.mp4 [13.17M]

how to stop a sneeze.mp4 [21.64M]

is it bad to hold our urine.mp4 [22.76M]

is radiation harmful.mp4 [22.09M]

is sitting bad for you.mp4 [25.08M]

is sleeping in contact lenses bad.mp4 [13.91M]

is sugar bad for you.mp4 [21.75M]

what causes wrinkles.mp4 [4.18M]

what happens to our body after we die.mp4 [22.23M]

what if we stopped drinking water.mp4 [5.78M]

what is a hangover.mp4 [20.45M]

what is blood rain.mp4 [14.97M]

what is constipation.mp4 [19.90M]

what is depression.mp4 [21.42M]

what is diabetes.mp4 [20.64M]

what is i#r#i#s.mp4 [10.17M]

what is migraine.mp4 [10.60M]

which is the best sleeping position.mp4 [13.29M]

why are fish eating plastic.mp4 [19.34M]

why are giraffes so tall.mp4 [32.74M]

why do ants walk in a straight line.mp4 [29.91M]

why do cats have vertical pupils.mp4 [11.14M]

why do cats purr.mp4 [18.69M]

why do dead whales explode.mp4 [19.60M]

why do elephants never forget.mp4 [22.45M]

why do humans love music.mp4 [21.25M]

why do my grannys legs pain.mp4 [21.32M]

why do our fingers get wrinkly.mp4 [4.36M]

why do people grind their teeth.mp4 [3.70M]

why do snakes have forked (split) tongue.mp4 [20.40M]

why do snakes shed their skin.mp4 [19.67M]

why do some people sweat more than others.mp4 [14.39M]

why do we feel butterflies in our stomach.mp4 [12.58M]

why do we love chocolates.mp4 [20.02M]

why do we scratch our itch.mp4 [19.39M]

why do we sleep.mp4 [2.96M]

why does my dog stink when it is wet.mp4 [19.46M]

why does salt make food taste better.mp4 [18.71M]

why dont penguins feet freeze.mp4 [3.92M]

why is it hard to cure alzheimers disease.mp4 [19.11M]

why is it hard to cure cancer.mp4 [32.10M]

why is it hard to cure hiv _ aids.mp4 [22.34M]

why smoking makes people look old.mp4 [16.74M]

02 aumsum time-primary science科学(20集) [358.94M]

3 types of rocks _ .mp4 [26.86M]

air pollution for kids _ .mp4 [25.35M]

balanced diet _ .mp4 [16.97M]

how do birds fly for children _ .mp4 [19.24M]

human sense organs _ videos for kids _ .mp4 [10.17M]

layers of soil for kids _ .mp4 [22.69M]

layers of the earth for kids _ .mp4 [33.33M]

light _ videos for kids _ .mp4 [16.74M]

living and nonliving things for kids _ .mp4 [17.51M]

modes of transportation _ videos for kids _ .mp4 [15.78M]

parts of the body for kids _ .mp4 [14.53M]

phases of moon _ .mp4 [10.68M]

physical and chemical changes for kids _.mp4 [22.88M]

planets of the solar system _ videos for kids _ .mp4 [12.96M]

seasons on earth _ videos for kids _.mp4 [20.59M]

states of matter for kids _.mp4 [13.12M]

the 3 rs for kids _ .mp4 [38.13M]

tooth structure for kids _ .mp4 [8.91M]

water pollution for kids _ .mp4 [12.49M]

03 aumsum time-physics物理(80集) [709.53M]

archimedes principle - why do ships float.mp4 [4.28M]

archimedes principle - why do we weigh less in water.mp4 [4.45M]

are einsteins gravitational waves real.mp4 [20.14M]

atmospheric refraction - why do stars twinkle.mp4 [3.30M]

buoyancy - can you drown in the dead sea.mp4 [7.33M]

can we travel faster than light.mp4 [29.33M]

concave mirror - why is your reflection upside down on a spoon.mp4 [3.72M]

convex lens - can a magnifying glass burn paper.mp4 [3.03M]

density - why do firemen crawl in smoke filled rooms.mp4 [5.66M]

density - why does an iron nail float on mercury and sink in water.mp4 [7.65M]

diffusion - why can we smell hot food from a distance.mp4 [7.77M]

earthing - why do buildings have lightning rods.mp4 [3.35M]

forced vibrations - why does a guitar have a hollow box.mp4 [3.65M]

frequency - why do women have shriller voices than men.mp4 [3.47M]

friction - why is it difficult to pull a boat on the beach than on the sea.mp4 [5.88M]

gravitational force - why do you weigh less on the moon.mp4 [4.90M]

gravity - why are planets spherical.mp4 [4.34M]

has the bermuda triangle mystery been solved.mp4 [22.89M]

how do chameleons change color.mp4 [5.78M]

how do glasses work.mp4 [3.34M]

how do igloos keep you warm.mp4 [3.78M]

how do microwave ovens work.mp4 [19.37M]

how do stars form.mp4 [35.94M]

how do straws work.mp4 [2.66M]

how do x-rays work.mp4 [3.69M]

how does a plastic comb attract paper.mp4 [61.06M]

lateral inversion - why is ambulance written in reverse.mp4 [2.81M]

lunar eclipse - why does the moon turn red.mp4 [3.26M]

newtons 3rd law - why does a swimmer push the water backward.mp4 [8.27M]

refraction of light - why does a pencil look bent in water.mp4 [7.35M]

resonance - how does sound break glass.mp4 [4.49M]

specific heat of water - why is water used in hot water bags.mp4 [4.36M]

surface tension - why are drops spherical.mp4 [3.64M]

wavelength - why red is used as a danger signal.mp4 [3.28M]

what causes earthquakes.mp4 [3.27M]

what happens if a plane is struck by lightning.mp4 [3.91M]

what is a black hole.mp4 [15.96M]

what is a mirage.mp4 [2.63M]

what is a tsunami.mp4 [5.58M]

what is fracking.mp4 [2.45M]

what is the big bang theory.mp4 [22.70M]

why are airplane windows round.mp4 [2.92M]

why are auroras formed.mp4 [5.16M]

why are cloudy nights warmer than clear nights.mp4 [3.46M]

why are planets spherical.mp4 [38.77M]

why are sunsets red. í╛ ╬ó╨┼ funenglish4kids í┐.mp4 [4.03M]

why are two thin blankets warmer than one thick blanket. í╛ ╬ó╨┼ funenglish4kids í┐.mp4 [2.83M]

why cant we hear sound in space. í╛ ╬ó╨┼ funenglish4kids í┐.mp4 [12.91M]

why cant you use phones on planes. í╛ ╬ó╨┼ funenglish4kids í┐.mp4 [3.48M]

why did pirates wear eye patches. í╛ ╬ó╨┼ funenglish4kids í┐.mp4 [5.21M]

why do comets have tails.mp4 [3.32M]

why do heavier objects fall faster.mp4 [4.76M]

why do pop rocks pop.mp4 [3.31M]

why do stars seem higher than they actually are.mp4 [7.06M]

why do we have different time zones.mp4 [4.73M]

why do we have seasons.mp4 [3.34M]

why do we hear echoes.mp4 [7.74M]

why do we see lightning before thunder.mp4 [3.40M]

why do we see only one side of the moon.mp4 [3.71M]

why do we use a black umbrella in summer.mp4 [3.41M]

why do we weigh less in water.mp4 [51.24M]

why do women have shriller voices than men.mp4 [45.11M]

why do woolen clothes keep us warm.mp4 [5.53M]

why does a match light when you strike it.mp4 [6.87M]

why does february have 28 days.mp4 [3.56M]

why does hot air balloon float.mp4 [3.01M]

why does ice float.mp4 [5.56M]

why does our recorded voice sound different.mp4 [3.31M]

why does popcorn pop.mp4 [3.67M]

why does saturn have rings.mp4 [3.56M]

why does sound travel faster in summer than in winter.mp4 [8.03M]

why is a convex mirror used as a rear view mirror.mp4 [5.33M]

why is a laboratory thermometer not used to check body temperature.mp4 [3.40M]

why is glass transparent.mp4 [3.08M]

why is it difficult to cut with a blunt knife.mp4 [3.79M]

why is it easier to burn dry leaves but not green leaves.mp4 [3.26M]

why is nuclear fusion not used to generate electricity.mp4 [17.82M]

why is snow white.mp4 [2.33M]

why is space black.mp4 [19.75M]

why is the ocean blue.mp4 [3.14M]

why is ultrasound used in sonar.mp4 [9.96M]

04 aumsum time-chemistry化学(51集) [508.99M]

balancing chemical equations for beginners _.mp4 [23.66M]

burning of magnesium ribbon experiment _ .mp4 [27.67M]

chromatography _ .mp4 [9.75M]

covalent bonding _ .mp4 [14.99M]

crystallization _ .mp4 [15.39M]

decomposition reaction _ .mp4 [16.60M]

electrolytic refining of metals _ .mp4 [12.77M]

how do fireflies glow.mp4 [4.69M]

how is coffee decaffeinated.mp4 [3.28M]

how to treat a bee sting.mp4 [43.16M]

human tears - why do onions make you cry.mp4 [4.55M]

hydrocarbons _.mp4 [29.59M]

ionic bond _.mp4 [17.88M]

is distilled water safe to drink.mp4 [3.53M]

neutralization reaction - how to treat a bee sting.mp4 [9.36M]

osmosis - how do fish drink water.mp4 [4.42M]

oxidation - why do copper vessels turn green.mp4 [5.01M]

oxidation - why do papers turn yellow.mp4 [4.62M]

rancidity - why is a bag of chips half full.mp4 [4.06M]

redox reactions _ .mp4 [18.89M]

rusting of iron _ .mp4 [11.35M]

science of snowflakes _ .mp4 [18.49M]

simple distillation _ .mp4 [14.59M]

single displacement reactions _ .mp4 [15.52M]

solution, suspension and colloid _ .mp4 [20.62M]

sublimation - why do mothballs disappear over time.mp4 [4.15M]

water purification - why is alum added to water.mp4 [3.62M]

what are those do not eat packets.mp4 [5.91M]

what causes cavities.mp4 [3.39M]

what is the cause of muscle cramps.mp4 [4.05M]

what makes ice clear or cloudy.mp4 [2.93M]

why can we see our breath in the cold.mp4 [4.41M]

why do old books smell so good.mp4 [3.57M]

why do people go bald.mp4 [2.71M]

why do wet clothes feel cold.mp4 [3.39M]

why does a tu-rme-ric st-ain tu-rn r-ed.mp4 [3.79M]

why does rain smell.mp4 [2.71M]

why does soda fizz when you shake it.mp4 [10.14M]

why does steam cause more severe burns than boiling water.mp4 [4.41M]

why does swiss cheese have holes.mp4 [5.81M]

why does water go stale overnight.mp4 [3.17M]

why is a diver able to cut through water in a swimming pool.mp4 [4.13M]

why is curd not stored in copper containers.mp4 [3.13M]

why is dry ice so dangerous.mp4 [2.74M]

why is fluoride added to water.mp4 [3.32M]

why is ocean water salty.mp4 [24.34M]

why is oxalic acid used to remove rust stains.mp4 [6.17M]

why is salt added to icy roads.mp4 [8.84M]

why is soap ineffective in hard water.mp4 [4.07M]

why is soil ph important to farmers.mp4 [15.91M]

why is there a hole in the ozone layer.mp4 [13.71M]

05 aumsum time-primary maths 数学(12集) [256.19M]

addition of fractions for kids _ 【收藏店铺:才智教育店】.mp4 [30.87M]

basic addition for kids _ .mp4 [15.76M]

basic division for kids _ .mp4 [25.26M]

basic multiplication for kids _ .mp4 [30.40M]

basic subtraction for kids _ .mp4 [24.14M]

equivalent fractions for kids _ .mp4 [22.02M]

introduction to fractions for kids _ .mp4 [22.32M]

introduction to perimeter _ .mp4 [15.37M]

learning about area _.mp4 [8.14M]

multiplication by 10, 100 and 1000 _.mp4 [11.69M]

solid shapes for kids _ .mp4 [17.84M]

subtraction of fractions for kids _ .mp4 [32.37M]

06 aumsum time-advanced maths高等数学 (10集) [225.42M]

commutative law of addition _ .mp4 [26.16M]

distributive property of multiplication over addition _ .mp4 [29.00M]

exponents in math - negative exponents _ .mp4 [11.93M]

introduction to exponents _ .mp4 [11.13M]

pythagorean theorem _ .mp4 [19.47M]

quadratic equations.mp4 [16.24M]

rational numbers.mp4 [13.04M]

square root tricks.mp4 [21.16M]

volume of a cylinder.mp4 [46.94M]

volume of a sphere.mp4 [30.34M]

07 aumsum time-amazing fact (57集) [923.80M]

collection of facts _ facts_ 01 to 10.mp4 [121.16M]

collection of facts _ facts_ 11 to 20.mp4 [91.47M]

collection of facts _ facts_ 21 to 30.mp4 [84.33M]

collection of facts _ facts_ 31 to 40.mp4 [91.50M]

collection of facts _ facts_ 41 to 52.mp4 [87.53M]

fact 01 - how loud can snoring be.mp4 [11.73M]

fact 02 - are tongue prints unique.mp4 [4.24M]

fact 03 - can human brain power a light bulb.mp4 [5.12M]

fact 04 - how much iron is present in human body.mp4 [10.16M]

fact 05 - how much water is in the human body.mp4 [20.89M]

fact 06 - how strong is a human hair.mp4 [13.77M]

fact 07 - sneezing with eyes open.mp4 [11.51M]

fact 08 - facts about color blindness.mp4 [11.25M]

fact 09 - why humans shiver.mp4 [8.87M]

fact 10 - human scream and coffee.mp4 [17.80M]

fact 11 - speed of human sneeze.mp4 [12.48M]

fact 12 - can we taste food without saliva.mp4 [8.25M]

fact 13 - what is the resolution of the human eye in megapixels.mp4 [9.26M]

fact 14 - how much heat does the human body produce.mp4 [6.88M]

fact 15 - are there mites in your eyelashes.mp4 [7.97M]

fact 16 - why we cannot cry in space.mp4 [12.49M]

fact 17 - interesting fact about human hair í╛╬ó╨┼ funenglish4kids í.mp4 [6.74M]

fact 18 - how much gold is found in the human body.mp4 [5.36M]

fact 19 - how much saliva do we produce in a lifetime.mp4 [7.45M]

fact 20 - human bones are stronger than steel.mp4 [9.52M]

fact 21 - octopus can squeeze through anything.mp4 [4.38M]

fact 22 - how much weight can an ant carry.mp4 [11.19M]

fact 23 - do we weigh less when the moon is above us.mp4 [5.30M]

fact 24 - is your thigh bone stronger than concrete.mp4 [7.88M]

fact 25- how do neurons communicate with each other.mp4 [11.73M]

fact 26 - how long is a chameleons tongue.mp4 [6.68M]

fact 27 - do beavers teeth continue to grow.mp4 [4.16M]

fact 28 - are you taller in the morning or at night.mp4 [8.84M]

fact 29 - how does music affect your heart rate.mp4 [6.19M]

fact 30 - why do apples float on water.mp4 [10.21M]

fact 31 - the human body has enough fat to produce 7 bars of soap.mp4 [7.47M]

fact 32 - if a man never shaved how long would his beard be,mp4 [8.94M]

fact 33 - do male or female mosquitoes bite people.mp4 [8.01M]

fact 34 - how long can a cockroach hold its breath.mp4 [6.00M]

fact 35 - are your toe prints unique.mp4 [8.76M]

fact 36 - albatrosses sleep while flying.mp4 [8.71M]

fact 37 - why do hamsters have cheek pouches.mp4 [8.14M]

fact 38 - human hair vs chimpanzee.mp4 [11.00M]

fact 39 - slowest fish in the world.mp4 [11.65M]

fact 40 - can your heart drive a truck.mp4 [6.44M]

fact 41 - how many hearts does an earthworm have.mp4 [12.52M]

fact 42 - can oysters change their gender.mp4 [3.69M]

fact 43 - do astronauts become taller in space.mp4 [4.77M]

fact 44 - how do butterflies taste things.mp4 [6.49M]

fact 45 - how much carbon does the human body contain.mp4 [6.08M]

fact 46 - can a snail grow back its eye.mp4 [8.09M]

fact 47 - do frogs drink water.mp4 [6.18M]

fact 48 - can tapeworms live inside humans.mp4 [7.51M]

fact 49 - how far can an elephant smell water.mp4 [7.18M]

fact 50 - how fast does your cough travel.mp4 [6.38M]

fact 51 - is it true that our ears and nose keep on growing.mp4 [7.03M]

fact 52 - can goats see 360 degrees.mp4 [8.45M]

5、语法类ppt课件 54个 [214.70M]

if条件句.pptx [6.00M]

name 5 things game.pptx [66.40K]

plurals(改y-ies).ppt [0.99M]

plurals_(不规则变化).ppt [914.00K]

plurals_(规则变化).ppt [2.49M]

plurals_1_teacher_switcher.ppt [1.08M]

plurals_7_名词复数.pptx [1.94M]

plurals_名词复数复习.ppt [3.02M]

词性--量词quantifiers--冰箱里的食物.pptx [2.10M]

词性--名词性所有格--monsters.pptx [1.31M]

词性--频度副词--adverbs of frequency.ppt [2.82M]

词性--人称代词--zombie.pptx [3.56M]

词性--人称代词--拯救皮特.pptx [3.24M]

词性--所有格形容词--monsters.pptx [2.44M]

动词ing--超级玛丽.pptx [12.97M]

动词不规则变形--荒漠行动.ppt [3.39M]

动词不规则变形--摇摇乐.pptx [12.24M]

方位词--pets.ppt [3.79M]

方位词--where is the mouse.ppt [3.35M]

方位词--神秘大侦探.pptx [9.63M]

副词adverbs--愤怒狗和饥饿猫.pptx [3.25M]

句型be going to--憨豆先生.pptx [10.14M]

句型be going to--为什么尖叫.pptx [4.88M]

句型how many&how much--侦探大比拼.pptx [3.10M]

句型how many--考考你的眼力.pptx [2.00M]

句型i want to be--说出你的梦想.pptx [6.32M]

句型i'm going to--夏日期盼.pptx [5.52M]

句型so...i--超级绿侠.pptx [814.09K]

句型there are&aren't--混乱的动物.pptx [5.53M]

句型there is.there are--桌子上有什么.pptx [1.89M]

句型what time is it --老狼老狼几点了.pptx [2.03M]

句型where is--小偷在哪里.pptx [17.19M]

区分can.can't.could.couldn't--花样篮球.pptx [5.35M]

区分do&make--小丑过河.pptx [1.59M]

区分does,do,are,is--弓箭手女侠.ppt [3.40M]

区分may,might--狂野赛车2.pptx [2.14M]

区分much,many--狂野赛车.pptx [2.66M]

区分must.mustnt.pptx [3.50M]

区分mustn't.don't have to--荒岛余生.pptx [2.66M]

区分often,usually,sometimes--夏日大作战.pptx [4.15M]

区分so,such--棒球小子.pptx [3.50M]

区分some, any--小小的吃货.ppt [1.10M]

区分this,that,those,these--超级玛丽.pptx [18.31M]

区分yet,already--趣味高尔夫.pptx [949.51K]

时间表达--routines time.pptx [2.09M]

时间表达--时间转盘.ppt [1.70M]

时态--过去进行时--日记.ppt [4.87M]

时态--过去时--bomb来啦.ppt [2.70M]

时态--现在完成时&一般过去时--酷爱打篮球.pptx [978.72K]

时态--一般过去时was.were--tom‘s room.pptx [1.13M]

时态转盘.pptx [1.59M]

薯条大作战be动词.pptx [4.14M]

一日安排--tim‘s diary.pptx [4.90M]

指路--locations-directions.pptx [1.37M]

6、super simple songs 216首 歌曲视频 [8.80G]

01 - super simple songs 视频179首 [5.75G]

001 five little monkeys.mp4 [16.98M]

002 twinkle twinkle little star.mp4 [46.10M]

003 hickory dickory dock.mp4 [14.93M]

004 row row row your boat.mp4 [67.43M]

005 bing.mp4 [46.21M]

006 s-a-n-t-a.mp4 [25.69M]

007 the months chant.mp4 [29.55M]

008 ten in the bed.mp4 [16.42M]

009 little snowflake.mp4 [33.05M]

010 good morning, mr. rooster.mp4 [7.70M]

011 open shut them.mp4 [20.29M]

012 jingle bells (learn & sing).mp4 [70.37M]

013 head shoulders knees & toes (sing it).mp4 [6.35M]

014 head shoulders knees & toes (learn it).mp4 [4.70M]

015 sweet dreams (goodnight song).mp4 [28.58M]

016 old macdonald had a farm.mp4 [63.97M]

017 walking in the jungle.mp4 [65.08M]

018 the animals on the farm.mp4 [41.11M]

019 do you like broccoli ice cream.mp4 [16.49M]

020 count and move.mp4 [12.66M]

021 if you're happy.mp4 [12.11M]

022 how's the weather.mp4 [26.40M]

023 one little finger.mp4 [11.13M]

024 counting bananas (the bananas song).mp4 [16.63M]

025 one potato, two potatoes.mp4 [13.42M]

026 i see something blue.mp4 [52.81M]

027 i see something pink.mp4 [49.41M]

028 let's go to the zoo.mp4 [42.91M]

029 the wheels on the bus.mp4 [62.14M]

030 mary had a little lamb.mp4 [31.49M]

031 i have a pet.mp4 [44.72M]

032 go away!.mp4 [19.37M]

033 can you make a happy face (halloween song).mp4 [14.74M]

034 five creepy spiders.mp4 [54.57M]

035 knock knock, trick or treat (halloween song).mp4 [53.07M]

036 this is the way we carve a pumpkin.mp4 [14.85M]

037 who took the cand.mp4 [22.56M]

038 one for you, one for me.mp4 [39.89M]

039 go away, spooky goblin!.mp4 [19.91M]

040 put on your shoes.mp4 [23.04M]

041 hello, reindeer.mp4 [32.13M]

042 we wish you a merry christmas.mp4 [24.84M]

043 decorate the christmas tree.mp4 [95.88M]

044 what do you want for christmas (santa's on his way).mp4 [97.74M]

045 santa's on his way (what do you want for christmas).mp4 [97.74M]

046 count down and move (from 20 to 1).mp4 [14.70M]

047 i'm a little snowman.mp4 [22.31M]

048 skidamarink.mp4 [19.87M]

049 my teddy bear.mp4 [38.31M]

050 yes, i can!.mp4 [30.86M]

051 wag your tail.mp4 [17.15M]

052 what do you hear.mp4 [127.74M]

053 hello!.mp4 [14.87M]

054 the eensy weensy spider.mp4 [19.23M]

055 rain rain go away.mp4 [41.06M]

056 rock scissors paper #1.mp4 [21.25M]

057 the shape song #1.mp4 [22.85M]

058 do you like spaghetti yogurt.mp4 [14.91M]

059 after a while, crocodile.mp4 [10.71M]

060 the shape song #2.mp4 [23.33M]

061 rock scissors paper #2.mp4 [22.01M]

062 head shoulders knees & toes (speeding up).mp4 [18.67M]

063 eeney meeney miney moe.mp4 [15.30M]

064 the bath song.mp4 [38.97M]

065 who took the cookie.mp4 [14.22M]

066 hello hello! can you clap your hands.mp4 [13.30M]

067 say cheese! (let's take a picture).mp4 [37.75M]

068 the pinocchio.mp4 [71.22M]

069 we all fall down.mp4 [19.38M]

070 make a circle.mp4 [18.35M]

071 give me something good to eat (halloween song).mp4 [12.77M]

072 hello, my friends.mp4 [23.90M]

073 five little pumpkins.mp4 [24.82M]

074 knock knock, trick or treat (part 2).mp4 [51.93M]

075 goodbye, my friends (halloween song).mp4 [19.52M]

076 clean up.mp4 [22.43M]

077 uh-huh!.mp4 [66.74M]

078 bye bye goodbye.mp4 [14.76M]

079 10 little elves.mp4 [41.83M]

080 jingle jingle little bell (to the tune of twinkle twinkle little star).mp4 [39.73M]

081 santa, where are you.mp4 [38.63M]

082 goodbye, snowman.mp4 [26.70M]

083 see you later, alligator.mp4 [8.02M]

084 mystery box #1.mp4 [14.63M]

085 do you like pickle pudding.mp4 [15.27M]

086 mystery box #2.mp4 [17.10M]

087 seven steps.mp4 [10.76M]

088 walking walking.mp4 [17.60M]

089 do you like lasagna milkshakes.mp4 [16.83M]

090 days of the week.mp4 [9.65M]

091 mystery box #3.mp4 [11.65M]

092 this is the way.mp4 [43.12M]

093 hide and seek.mp4 [18.67M]

094 the alphabet chant.mp4 [11.31M]

095 five little ducks.mp4 [33.12M]

096 the skeleton dance.mp4 [17.64M]

097 how many fingers.mp4 [18.66M]

098 five little speckled frogs.mp4 [24.41M]

099 the ice cream song.mp4 [37.91M]

100 baby shark.mp4 [34.54M]

101 mr. sun, sun, mr. golden sun.mp4 [30.84M]

102 apples & bananas.mp4 [28.94M]

103 10 little dinosaurs.mp4 [15.61M]

104 little robin redbreas.mp4 [19.16M]

105 peekaboo.mp4 [7.98M]

106 alice the camel.mp4 [23.51M]

107 brush your teeth.mp4 [19.80M]

108 the muffin man.mp4 [99.35M]

109 the ants go marching.mp4 [41.23M]

110 10 little airplanes.mp4 [46.40M]

111 rock scissors paper #3.mp4 [24.70M]

112 i like you.mp4 [40.03M]

113 down by the bay.mp4 [36.81M]

114 a sailor went to sea.mp4 [20.94M]

115 jack & jill.mp4 [42.22M]

116 10 little sailboats.mp4 [28.83M]

117 humpty dumpty.mp4 [15.15M]

118 what do you like to do.mp4 [25.88M]

119 the alphabet is so much fun.mp4 [19.53M]

120 peanut butter & jelly.mp4 [31.18M]

121 i can't remember the words to this song.mp4 [59.81M]

122 five little monsters jumping on the bed.mp4 [26.04M]

123 baby shark halloween.mp4 [72.07M]

124 take me out to the ball game.mp4 [24.59M]

125 rock scissors paper #4.mp4 [11.04M]

126 pat-a-cake.mp4 [32.09M]

127 wind the bobbin up.mp4 [25.48M]

128 10 little tractors.mp4 [37.93M]

129 up on the housetop.mp4 [21.74M]

130 12 days of christmas.mp4 [51.76M]

131 10 little fishies.mp4 [69.95M]

132 down by the bay #2.mp4 [29.02M]

133 follow me.mp4 [11.45M]

134 the farmer in the del.mp4 [20.61M]

135 10 little buses.mp4 [29.87M]

136 this is the way we get dressed.mp4 [32.29M]

137 are you hungry.mp4 [12.83M]

138 let’s take the subway.mp4 [43.51M]

139 10 little bicycles.mp4 [39.71M]

140 hot cross buns.mp4 [37.55M]

141 old macdonald had a farm (2018).mp4 [42.97M]

142 down by the bay #3.mp4 [28.18M]

143 there’s a hole in the bottom of the sea.mp4 [30.81M]

144 open shut them #2.mp4 [17.31M]

145 here we go looby loo.mp4 [49.51M]

146 who took the cookie (farm animals version).mp4 [17.51M]

147 what’s your favorite color.mp4 [33.25M]

148 this is the way we go to bed.mp4 [28.27M]

149 10 little dinosaurs #2.mp4 [16.92M]

150 red light, green light.mp4 [49.98M]

151 red yellow green blue.mp4 [16.52M]

152 here is the beehive.mp4 [24.36M]

153 when the band comes marching in.mp4 [74.31M]

154 peekaboo playground.mp4 [9.86M]

155 down by the spooky bay.mp4 [30.43M]

156 over the deep blue sea.mp4 [65.35M]

157 the bees go buzzing.mp4 [45.84M]

158 peekaboo halloween.mp4 [9.26M]

159 the ants go marching #2.mp4 [40.37M]

160 do you like broccoli ice cream (puppets).mp4 [39.29M]

161 pass the beanbag.mp4 [64.12M]

162 where is thumbkin.mp4 [13.55M]

163 peekaboo christmas.mp4 [9.65M]

164 santa shark.mp4 [40.32M]

165 what’s this what’s that.mp4 [17.74M]

166 if you’re happy and you know it.mp4 [15.68M]

167 the hokey pokey shake.mp4 [30.87M]

168 skidamarink a dink a dink nursery rhyme super simple songs.mp4 [64.71M]

169 the wheels on the bus (2019) nursery rhymes super simple songs.mp4 [68.06M]

170 six in the bed kids songs super simple songs.mp4 [44.94M]

171 head shoulders knees and toes (2019) noodle pals super simple songs.mp4 [46.24M]

172 with my heart kids songs super simple songs.mp4 [51.82M]

173 driving in my car kids songs super simple songs.mp4 [64.50M]

174 the jellyfish kids songs super simple songs.mp4 [50.00M]

175 peekaboo i love you kids songs super simple songs.mp4 [39.70M]

176 the more we get together kids songs super simple songs.mp4 [49.30M]

177 where is baby kids songs super simple songs.mp4 [83.53M]

178 sitting on the potty toilet training song super simple songs.mp4 [55.46M]

179 whats your name featuring noodle & pals super simple songs.mp4 [42.76M]

02 - super simple songs 音频179首mp3 [396.14M]

001 five little monkeys.mp3 [1.98M]

002 twinkle twinkle little star.mp3 [2.26M]

003 hickory dickory dock.mp3 [2.77M]

004 row row row your boat.mp3 [1.85M]

005 bingo.mp3 [5.32M]

006 s-a-n-t-a.mp3 [2.44M]

007 the months chant.mp3 [2.12M]

008 ten in the bed.mp3 [2.62M]

009 little snowflake.mp3 [2.58M]

010 good morning, mr. rooster.mp3 [870.25K]

011 open shut them.mp3 [2.25M]

012 jingle bells (learn & sing).mp3 [2.90M]

013 head shoulders knees & toes (sing it).mp3 [942.08K]

014 head shoulders knees & toes (learn it).mp3 [1.08M]

015 sweet dreams (goodnight song).mp3 [2.87M]

016 old macdonald had a farm.mp3 [3.20M]

017 walking in the jungle.mp3 [3.12M]

018 the animals on the farm.mp3 [3.11M]

019 do you like broccoli ice cream.mp3 [2.48M]

020 count and move.mp3 [1.40M]

021 if you're happy.mp3 [1.88M]

022 how's the weather.mp3 [1.93M]

023 one little finger.mp3 [2.21M]

024 counting bananas (the bananas song).mp3 [1.46M]

025 one potato, two potatoes.mp3 [1.49M]

026 i see something blue.mp3 [2.79M]

027 i see something pink.mp3 [2.80M]

028 let's go to the zoo.mp3 [3.66M]

029 the wheels on the bus.mp3 [2.40M]

030 mary had a little lamb.mp3 [2.69M]

031 i have a pet.mp3 [2.20M]

032 go away!.mp3 [1.74M]

033 can you make a happy face (halloween song).mp3 [1.83M]

034 five creepy spiders.mp3 [2.41M]

035 knock knock, trick or treat (halloween song).mp3 [4.57M]

036 this is the way we carve a pumpkin.mp3 [1.26M]

037 who took the candy.mp3 [2.11M]

038 one for you, one for me.mp3 [2.58M]

039 go away, spooky goblin!.mp3 [1.75M]

040 put on your shoes.mp3 [2.77M]

041 hello, reindeer.mp3 [1.17M]

042 we wish you a merry christmas.mp3 [1.83M]

043 decorate the christmas tree.mp3 [2.72M]

044 what do you want for christmas (santa's on his way).mp3 [5.93M]

045 santa's on his way (what do you want for christmas).mp3 [5.93M]

046 count down and move (from 20 to 1).mp3 [1.30M]

047 i'm a little snowman.mp3 [1.47M]

048 skidamarink.mp3 [2.25M]

049 my teddy bear.mp3 [2.12M]

050 yes, i can!.mp3 [3.31M]

051 wag your tail.mp3 [2.74M]

052 what do you hear.mp3 [2.93M]

053 hello!.mp3 [1.19M]

054 the eensy weensy spider.mp3 [2.19M]

055 rain rain go away.mp3 [2.37M]

056 rock scissors paper #1.mp3 [1.67M]

057 the shape song #1.mp3 [3.82M]

058 do you like spaghetti yogurt.mp3 [2.31M]

059 after a while, crocodile.mp3 [815.96K]

060 the shape song #2.mp3 [3.82M]

061 rock scissors paper #2.mp3 [1.67M]

062 head shoulders knees & toes (speeding up).mp3 [1.74M]

063 eeney meeney miney moe.mp3 [984.53K]

064 the bath song.mp3 [2.09M]

065 who took the cookie.mp3 [1.87M]

066 hello hello! can you clap your hands.mp3 [1.40M]

067 say cheese! (let's take a picture).mp3 [1.79M]

068 the pinocchio.mp3 [3.12M]

069 we all fall down.mp3 [1.97M]

070 make a circle.mp3 [1.15M]

071 give me something good to eat (halloween song).mp3 [1.54M]

072 hello, my friends.mp3 [1.28M]

073 five little pumpkins.mp3 [3.04M]

074 knock knock, trick or treat (part 2).mp3 [4.62M]

075 goodbye, my friends (halloween song).mp3 [1.26M]

076 clean up.mp3 [1.67M]

077 uh-huh!.mp3 [1.60M]

078 bye bye goodbye.mp3 [1.84M]

079 10 little elves.mp3 [3.34M]

080 jingle jingle little bell (to the tune of twinkle twinkle little star).mp3 [2.25M]

081 santa, where are you.mp3 [2.29M]

082 goodbye, snowman.mp3 [1.11M]

083 see you later, alligator.mp3 [850.25K]

084 mystery box #1.mp3 [1.43M]

085 do you like pickle pudding.mp3 [2.47M]

086 mystery box #2.mp3 [1.42M]

087 seven steps.mp3 [2.02M]

088 walking walking.mp3 [1.70M]

089 do you like lasagna milkshakes.mp3 [2.47M]

090 days of the week.mp3 [1.30M]

091 mystery box #3.mp3 [1.43M]

092 this is the way.mp3 [2.11M]

093 hide and seek.mp3 [2.96M]

094 the alphabet chant.mp3 [1.85M]

095 five little ducks.mp3 [2.65M]

096 the skeleton dance.mp3 [1.84M]

097 how many fingers.mp3 [2.78M]

098 five little speckled frogs.mp3 [2.79M]

099 the ice cream song.mp3 [3.06M]

100 baby shark.mp3 [2.90M]

101 mr. sun, sun, mr. golden sun.mp3 [2.30M]

102 apples & bananas.mp3 [2.99M]

103 10 little dinosaurs.mp3 [2.02M]

104 little robin redbreast.mp3 [2.12M]

105 peekaboo.mp3 [1.41M]

106 alice the camel.mp3 [1.95M]

107 brush your teeth.mp3 [2.02M]

108 the muffin man.mp3 [1.93M]

109 the ants go marching.mp3 [3.49M]

110 10 little airplanes.mp3 [1.93M]

111 rock scissors paper #3.mp3 [1.74M]

112 i like you.mp3 [1.57M]

113 down by the bay.mp3 [2.57M]

114 a sailor went to sea.mp3 [3.07M]

115 jack & jill.mp3 [1.63M]

116 10 little sailboats.mp3 [1.96M]

117 humpty dumpty.mp3 [1.20M]

118 what do you like to do.mp3 [1.78M]

119 the alphabet is so much fun.mp3 [1.90M]

120 peanut butter & jelly.mp3 [1.81M]

121 i can't remember the words to this song.mp3 [2.20M]

122 five little monsters jumping on the bed.mp3 [1.93M]

123 baby shark halloween.mp3 [3.27M]

124 take me out to the ball game.mp3 [1.62M]

125 rock scissors paper #4.mp3 [2.02M]

126 pat-a-cake.mp3 [1.74M]

127 wind the bobbin up.mp3 [2.08M]

128 10 little tractors.mp3 [1.94M]

129 up on the housetop.mp3 [1.63M]

130 12 days of christmas.mp3 [3.97M]

131 10 little fishies.mp3 [2.99M]

132 down by the bay #2.mp3 [2.46M]

133 follow me.mp3 [1.63M]

134 the farmer in the dell.mp3 [1.66M]

135 10 little buses.mp3 [1.90M]

136 this is the way we get dressed.mp3 [1.75M]

137 are you hungry.mp3 [1.82M]

138 let’s take the subway.mp3 [2.23M]

139 10 little bicycles.mp3 [1.97M]

140 hot cross buns.mp3 [1.59M]

141 old macdonald had a farm (2018).mp3 [3.01M]

142 down by the bay #3.mp3 [2.31M]

143 there’s a hole in the bottom of the sea.mp3 [2.52M]

144 open shut them #2.mp3 [2.27M]

145 here we go looby loo.mp3 [1.78M]

146 who took the cookie (farm animals version).mp3 [2.08M]

147 what’s your favorite color.mp3 [1.85M]

148 this is the way we go to bed.mp3 [1.81M]

149 10 little dinosaurs #2.mp3 [2.01M]

150 red light, green light.mp3 [1.75M]

151 red yellow green blue.mp3 [1.82M]

152 here is the beehive.mp3 [1.91M]

153 when the band comes marching in.mp3 [3.11M]

154 peekaboo playground.mp3 [1.40M]

155 down by the spooky bay.mp3 [2.33M]

156 over the deep blue sea.mp3 [2.04M]

157 the bees go buzzing.mp3 [4.31M]

158 peekaboo halloween.mp3 [1.42M]

159 the ants go marching #2.mp3 [4.25M]

160 do you like broccoli ice cream (puppets).mp3 [2.32M]

161 pass the beanbag.mp3 [2.76M]

162 where is thumbkin.mp3 [1.84M]

163 peekaboo christmas.mp3 [1.43M]

164 santa shark.mp3 [2.49M]

165 what’s this what’s that.mp3 [1.61M]

166 if you’re happy and you know it.mp3 [1.49M]

167.the hokey pokey shake.mp3 [2.49M]

168 skidamarink.mp3 [2.22M]

169 six in the bed.mp3 [1.52M]

170 head shoulders knees and toes.mp3 [1.61M]

171 the wheels on the bus.mp3 [2.33M]

172 driving in my car.mp3 [2.20M]

173 the jellyfish.mp3 [1.69M]

174 peekaboo, i love you.mp3 [1.35M]

175 the more we get together.mp3 [1.67M]

176 where is baby.mp3 [2.94M]

177 sitting on the potty.mp3 [1.89M]

178 with my heart.mp3 [1.77M]

179 what's your name.mp3 [2.55M]

03 - sing along with tobee 视频37首 [2.66G]

001 hello hello!.mp4 [65.72M]

002 one little finger.mp4 [64.61M]

003 skidamarink.mp4 [48.46M]

004 are you sleeping.mp4 [39.95M]

005 this is the way.mp4 [49.74M]

006 the itsy bitsy spider.mp4 [55.87M]

007 rock scissors paper.mp4 [46.57M]

008 five little monkeys.mp4 [55.50M]

009 bingo.mp4 [63.66M]

010 more rock scissors paper.mp4 [48.39M]

011 five little speckled frogs.mp4 [61.65M]

012 head shoulders knees & toes.mp4 [47.51M]

013 ten little fingers.mp4 [49.24M]

014 ten in the bed.mp4 [67.11M]

015 wag your tail.mp4 [61.81M]

016 five little ducks.mp4 [65.47M]

017 open shut them.mp4 [57.27M]

018 if you're happy and you know it.mp4 [99.37M]

019 my teddy bear.mp4 [47.40M]

020 can you make a happy face.mp4 [60.31M]

021 the alphabet song.mp4 [57.01M]

022 open shut them #2.mp4 [58.36M]

023 the wheels on the bus.mp4 [53.17M]

024 i’m a little snowman.mp4 [45.40M]

025 jingle jingle little bell.mp4 [63.12M]

026 we wish you a merry christmas.mp4 [75.51M]

027 peanut butter & jelly.mp4 [110.38M]

028 brush your teeth.mp4 [84.85M]

029 put on your shoes.mp4 [148.58M]

030 baby shark.mp4 [108.79M]

031 hickory dickory dock.mp4 [106.60M]

032 walking in the jungle.mp4 [113.46M]

033 five little pumpkins.mp4 [115.80M]

034 hide & seek.mp4 [91.80M]

035 follow me.mp4 [91.70M]

036 do you like broccoli ice cream.mp4 [96.38M]

037 s-a-n-t-a.mp4 [145.67M]

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新小学英语课堂游戏设计.ppt [2.65M]

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破冰及热身游戏活动.docx [111.20K]

输出游戏活动-production [15.23K]

输出游戏活动.docx [15.23K]

语法游戏活动 [252.94K]

there be句型.docx [14.63K]

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幼儿课堂游戏大全.doc [33.00K]

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幼儿英语课堂教学游戏大全.doc [61.00K]

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幼儿园游戏.pptx [2.75M]

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幼儿园游戏的组织和实施.ppt [671.00K]

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101个少儿英语课堂游戏-精心整理!.doc [56.50K]

136个幼儿园英语课堂游戏.docx [44.71K]

18种最实用的少儿英语教学法(经典版).doc [43.00K]

初中英语讲课攻略:12个有趣的初中英语课堂游戏-让你的学生爱上你的课堂!.doc [93.50K]

初中英语课堂小游戏.doc [39.50K]

初中英语课堂小游戏.docx [17.75K]

初中英语课堂中的游戏教学.doc [24.00K]

初中英语重点知识总结中考英语高频短语100组解析及其练习(二).doc [99.04K]

关于初中英语课堂上的小游戏(初一).doc [23.00K]

很有用的英语课堂游戏.doc [38.00K]

浅谈初中英语课堂中的游戏教学.doc [26.00K]

瑞点英语课堂少儿英语音标教学课件.ppt [4.37M]

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少儿英语课堂小游戏大集合.docx [15.98K]

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少儿英语课堂游戏-精华[1].docx [19.64K]

少儿英语游戏.doc [129.96K]

小学英语课堂游戏大全.doc [46.50K]

英语课堂85种游戏.doc [38.00K]

英语课堂小游戏大全.txt [12.47K]

英语课堂游戏[1].doc [53.00K]

英语课堂游戏汇编.doc [101.00K]

英语课堂游戏集锦.doc [35.50K]

有趣的88个英语游戏(少儿英语教学适用).doc [66.00K]

幼儿园英语课堂小游戏.doc [93.00K]

9、游戏触发课件140个 [423.96M]

❉(学号)抽查器.exe [72.00K]

001 ppt触发器模合集.ppt [3.28M]

01 抽奖1:红包.pptx [152.50K]

02 抽奖2:砸金蛋.pptx [2.18M]

03 抽奖3:英雄联盟.pptx [25.02M]

04 大转盘 两种 可英汉互译.pptx [87.81K]

05 倒计时 10 秒.pptx [107.50K]

06 考前准备.pptx [18.37M]

07 变色龙 火眼金睛 1.pptx [444.96K]

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100 帮助厨师.pptx [3.64M]

101 房间.pptx [1.59M]

102 怪兽身体部位.pptx [5.96M]

103 文具单词.pptx [18.10M]

104 梦想工作.pptx [3.09M]

105 火箭射击.pptx [1.01M]

106 夏日旅行.ppt [4.13M]

107 天气单词.pptx [3.26M]

108 动物园.pptx [3.48M]

109 大食王.ppt [6.27M]

10动物剪影+灯光.pptx [943.24K]

11 聚光灯记单词.pptx [2.33M]

110 钓鱼游戏.pptx [3.32M]

111 方位介词.ppt [2.63M]

112 刮一刮 6个.pptx [121.70K]

113 抢红包.ppt [10.12M]

114 情绪选择题.ppt [1.62M]

115 时间in on at介词句型盖章.pptx [3.44M]

115 形状教学之愤怒的小鸟.ppt [2.61M]

116 疑问词转盘练习.pptx [2.70M]

117 炸弹.ppt [3.07M]

118 摘苹果.pptx [3.11M]

119 转盘游戏.pptx [427.72K]

120 桌球练习numbers.ppt [1.38M]

121 首饰单词.pptx [2.72M]

122 letter a.pptx [549.19K]

123 手电筒.ppt [536.50K]

124 运动.ppt [2.57M]

125 字母转盘.pptx [325.65K]

126 动物字母教学.pptx [2.91M]

126 翻牌游戏.pptx [2.64M]

127 门后出蔬菜.pptx [9.09M]

128 日常生活.pptx [2.07M]

129 情绪转盘.pptx [3.60M]

12迷宫游戏.pptx [765.19K]

13 苹果树 四种 类似炸弹游戏 霹雳眼 输出游戏.pptx [2.69M]

130 who is missing.pptx [9.44M]

131 水果单词(音乐可以关掉).pptx [6.63M]

132 一般过去式练习.ppt [0.99M]

133 一般过去式动词变化2.ppt [4.70M]

134 一般过去式规则动词变化.ppt [1.74M]

135 图片遮光罩游戏.pptx [143.95K]

136 若干游戏.ppt [4.65M]

137 现在进行时教学之超级马里奥.pptx [12.90M]

138 天气.ppt [459.00K]

139 12游戏.pptx [6.18M]

14 热气球游戏.pptx [1.04M]

140 ppt触发器模版(12个游戏模板).ppt [6.32M]

141 18个ppt游戏.ppt [4.52M]

15 扫雷 1.pptx [102.73K]

16 兔子在哪 1.pptx [190.09K]

17 钓鱼 stop and read.pptx [2.37M]

18 植物大战僵尸课件 1.pptx [3.48M]

19 转盘游戏.pptx [531.68K]

20 远离病毒.pptx [4.19M]

21 单词乱序猜猜看.pptx [334.86K]

22 霹雳眼.pptx [216.04K]

23 青蛙跳.pptx [146.96K]

24 打地鼠.pptx [122.94K]

25 what's missing.pptx [68.63K]

26 落苹果 落树叶.pptx [139.27K]

27 魔法森林 英汉互译.pptx [1.14M]

28 落秋叶 霹雳眼 2.pptx [70.45K]

29 苹果杀虫 扫雷系列.pptx [145.57K]

30 追光游戏.pptx [76.58K]

31 切水果 2.pptx [14.92M]

32 切甜甜圈 fast reaction 2.pptx [4.50M]

33 猜猜看 类似wher is jerry.pptx [68.63K]

34 跳降落伞 霹雳眼.pptx [1.36M]

35 吹泡泡 霹雳眼.pptx [96.53K]

36 热身游戏ppt模板.pptx [797.62K]

37 投篮 两种.pptx [2.20M]

38 停车,小汽车 fast reaction.pptx [4.07M]

39 拔萝卜.pptx [102.31K]

40 气球 四种.pptx [333.66K]

41 消消乐 1.pptx [78.83K]

42 篮球.pptx [156.03K]

43 打地鼠 三种.pptx [399.43K]

44 跳降落 霹雳眼.pptx [1.36M]

45 毛毛虫连词成句 句子排序.pptx [649.86K]

46 电脑打字 英汉互译.pptx [118.99K]

47 潜水艇.pptx [658.12K]

48 蜜蜂 3.pptx [179.95K]

49 学生跳相应单词.pptx [125.71K]

50 孔雀开屏 3.pptx [38.83K]

51 喜洋洋走迷宫.pptx [176.86K]

52 乌鸦喝水.pptx [92.01K]

53 纸牌 两种.pptx [4.75M]

54 矿工.pptx [2.94M]

55 放风筝 霹雳眼.pptx [410.48K]

56 飞镖 三种.pptx [1.68M]

57 钓鱼.pptx [7.04M]

58 bingo-2-0.pptx [866.74K]

59 dungeon-quiz2(1).pptx [10.37M]

60 轰炸机.pptx [344.57K]

61 切西瓜.ppt [521.00K]

62 spaceman.pptx [639.74K]

63 冰山一角 1.pptx [1.91M]

64 海军大战 扫雷系列.pptx [318.08K]

65 扫雷2.pptx [230.18K]

66 颜色游戏 冰山一角.ppt [2.10M]

67 打地鼠合集.pptx [305.48K]

68 流动的时钟.pptx [1.04M]

69 ppt触发模版2.ppt [6.70M]

70 天气转盘.pptx [1.17M]

71 过独木桥 one dragon 2.pptx [1.21M]

72 ppt触发器模版.ppt [8.02M]

73 ppt触发器模版(12个游戏模板).ppt [8.03M]

74 图片飞出(1).pptx [7.50M]

75 拔河.pptx [1.34M]

76 单词消消乐ppt.pptx [11.19M]

77 英语课堂小游戏ppt(18个游戏模板).ppt [4.52M]

78 英语课堂游戏集.ppt [6.69M]

79 英语课堂游戏课件多个.pptx [12.51M]

80 英语课前律动.ppt [817.00K]

81 果树(pk加减分).pptx [4.22M]

82 alligator game.pptx [1.34M]

83 car race.ppt [1.67M]

84 castle crusher(积分系统).pptx [499.78K]

85 hungry snake.pptx [3.81M]

86 ice cream or bomb - copy.pptx [380.28K]

87 let's race(临时比分).pptx [4.84M]

88 pass the ball.ppt [12.51M]

89 plants vs zombie.pptx [2.89M]

90 spinning-wheel.pptx [64.48K]

91 submarine(4)(1).pptx [616.77K]

92 tic-tac-toe2.pptx [60.71K]

93 拍苍蝇.ppt [2.28M]

94 food hidden pic game.ppt [2.11M]

95 打地鼠.pptx [353.13K]

96 吊小人.pptx [307.84K]

97 家人单词.pptx [2.03M]

98 食物转盘.pptx [2.58M]

99 水果忍者(萌版).pptx [1.68M]
